
Ultimate chicken horse content file locked
Ultimate chicken horse content file locked

Win the game and the board will explode to reveal a lever. Play tic tac toe by clicking on any square to fill in an X.

  • Step 4: On the chalk board is a tic tac toe game.
  • Step 3: Once the fish is in the grinder, flick the yellow switch to the right of the slot machine to create a fishbone in the slot machine.
  • ultimate chicken horse content file locked

    (Hint: Click the blue button first, and when the rod is on its way down, click the green button.) Time your button presses so that the fish and hook meet. Step 2: Click the green button to make the fish move, then click the blue button to make the fisherman lower his rod so that he catches the fish.Click the Z button to make the fortune teller appear. Step 1: Click the Death tarot card to reveal a Z button.Step 7: Click the valve to steam away the lock and open the door.Step 6: Inflate the balloon with the air pump until it rises and causes an event that reveals a valve.Step 5: Click on the wind-up car to cause a spark that ignites the flame under the pot and causes the liquid to roll down the pipe into the bath tub.Step 4: Click on the red wheel twice to turn the bottle upside down and empty the liquid into the container.Step 3: Click on the bottle opener hanging on the wooden shelf and drag it over to the purple bottle to uncap it.Step 2: Set the clock hands to read 9:30.Step 1: Click the valve to the left of the clock at the bottom of the screen so that it moves to the other side.Step 2: Flick the light switches on either side to unlock the door Servant’s Quarters Lock.Right: owl, bat, moon, Saturn, star, flashlight.Left: sun, sun hat, sunflower, umbrella, sundial, sunglasses.You must fit the tokens that have sun/light themes into the left side, and darkness themes in the right. The circle of slots is divided into two halves, the left being light and the right being dark. Hint: To unlock this door, the wooden tokens must be fit into the appropriate slots.Here’s a guide to solving the puzzles needed to unlock the doors. Several of the doors in Ravenhearst Manor have elaborate locks on them. Click on him and you’ll get the chance to enter a contest to have your own image in the next Mystery Case Files game! FAQ Keep an eye out for Felix the Fish (the Big Fish mascot).You don’t have to clear every single room to find the diary page, so if you get stuck, move to another room and come back instead of wasting a lot of time on a single clue.So make sure to use up your hints before using the telephone! You can click on the telephone to automatically solve a locked door challenge, but you will forfeit all remaining hints.An egg could be a shell, an egg over easy, or a painted egg. For example, the word “horn” could be a musical instrument or an animal’s horn. Note, there is lots of good info here, but also some spoilers.

    ultimate chicken horse content file locked ultimate chicken horse content file locked

    A:1:i:0 a:2:s:13:”section_title” s:49:”Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst Tips & Tricks” s:12:”section_body” s:18388:”Ĭheck out our Tips and Tricks and Walkthrough for Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst.

    Ultimate chicken horse content file locked